Online Sports Resources Library

Online Sports Resource Library

This library has been set up to help you the global grassroots sporting community have access to sports resources that can support you to-

  • Run a club/organisation

  • Assist coaches with developing there philosophy and training plans

  • A place to share different drills and skills across sport

  • + much more

Because it is all about replacing competition with collaboration.

Sports Resources & Templates

In this section of the online library you can find various club and coaching resources along with blank templates that you can use from training plans to job descriptions etc. If there is something that not here that you are looking for please email us at

Coaching Skills and Drills

In this section of the online library you will find different skills cards, and drills that you can use for training from a wide range of sports. If there is something your looking for that isn’t here please get in touch with us at

Coaching Video’s & Multimedia

In this section of the online library you will find coaching video’s and multimedia presentations for coaches and sports clubs etc. If there is something you are looking for that is not here please get in touch with us by email at

Grassroots Sports Bulletin

The Grassroots Sports Bulletin is a monthly newsletter produced by BlueSky Sports International to talk about all thinks Grassroots Sports, Sports Coaching and Sports Resources you can check at the monthly issues at-

Tips for Club/Organisations

In this section you will find posters and tip for clubs and organisations to help with different areas from putting together sponsorship proposals to making grant application etc. You can check it out at this link-

Top tips to avoid mission creep

In club and organisations involved with sport there is often the danger of mission creep happening across roles, where one person starts to take on more than the normal tasks in their specific role. Here are some tips to help avoid this happening you can download a copy at-

Sports Nutrition & Fitness

In this section we have different support for coaches, clubs and everyone involved in grassroots sports that helps with nutrition and fitness. You can find recipes and other things at the following link-

Can you help the Online Library Grow

Are you involved with community sport whether it be as a coach etc and think that you could make a contribution to the continued growth of our Online Sports Resources Library then we are really keen to here from you, everyone who contributed to the Library will be recognised. If you can help please email to discuss further.

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